This week, let's examine some of the dynamics that we fall in to when we cohabit with one or more partner(s) wherein sometimes there's an unfair division of household labor. We'll have some tips about how to break out of the patterns that contribute to this unfair labor division and make your relationship more equal.
Read MoreThis week we're taking a look at EFT creator Sue Johnson's concept of "demon dialogues," or the choreography we tend to fall in to when fighting or arguing with a partner. We'll cover some common dialogues, as well as methods on how to break out of the choreographic cycle and communicate better.
Read MoreThis episode, we're taking a dive into compassion: what it is, why the world needs it, why it's important to practice both with loved ones and strangers, and how to actually do it so you can give the world more of what it needs.
Read MoreThis week we're joined by Hadassah Damien to talk about money and finances! Hadassah is the founder of Ride Free Fearless Money, a finance consulting firm that helps empower people's relationship to money. During this episode, she gives some valuable insight and tips for non-monogamous people struggling to deal with money, especially when discussing it with partner(s).
Read MoreThis week our guest is Mia Schachter, an intimacy coordinator for film and television, as well as an educator, writer, and podcaster. Mia has graciously joined us today to talk about consent, both in sexual and non-sexual situations, the importance of having people in her line of work, and how consent and power dynamics relate.
Read MoreWhy is it so hard to say no sometimes? During this episode we'll explore why some of us have such trouble saying no, why the word "no" is so powerful, and some ways to help you get better at both giving and receiving it.
Read MoreThere's tons of advice about long distance relationships and how to manage them, but what about the opposite? In this episode, we're discussing how to navigate a relationship where you don't have much time apart, whether due to global circumstances like the pandemic, or simply a career change.
Image credit to Disabled And Here.
Read MoreThis week we're joined by Alice Little to talk about sex work, the stigma around it, and steps to take to start moving towards a more sex positive society. Alice is a sex entrepreneur and educator at the Moonlite BunnyRanch in Carson City, Nevada, and is here to offer us her valuable insight about the industry.
Read MoreThe world is fairly stressful right now, and some of us are particularly prone to anxiety and stress already. This week, we're talking about some different stressors and how to try to reduce stress in a healthy way, including some tips to have less stressful conversations with your partner(s).
Read MoreLet's talk about some of the bad, outdated relationship advice we've come across, and how it can negatively affect modern dating. As times change, dating advice needs to as well, so don't buy in to all the traditional advice.
Image credit to Disabled And Here.
Read MoreFor this week's special episode, we're joined by several of our listeners to hear their real-life experiences with polyamory, instead of the common fictionalized stories in the media. Listen to these different stories for a broader take on non-monogamy and polyamory.
Read MoreHow do you process your feelings? Are you an internal processor (chewer)? Or an external one (spewer)? In this episode, we're covering what it means to be a chewer or a spewer, some drawbacks to both, and some positive aspects to them.
Read MoreThis week's guests are Amanda Wilson and David Epstein, co-founders of the app #open, a sex positive and polyamory-friendly dating platform. Amanda and David will be walking us through some of the difficulties they faced creating the app, as well as what distinguishes it from all the other dating apps available.
Read MoreThis week, we're talking about restorative justice with Senior Legal Director Andy Izenson from the Chosen Family Law Center, Inc. We're covering what restorative justice is, what many people think it is (spoiler: it's wrong), and how to give more support to your communities and make them better and healthier.
Read MoreThis week, we're joined by Chanee Jackson Kendall and Cheri Calico Roman from Black Poly Pride, who are here to talk about the Black polyamorous community and some of the unique struggles and experiences that it faces.
Read MoreDr. Liz Powell is an author, sex educator, and psychologist who specializes in queer, kinky, and non-monogamous relationships. They are the author of Building Open Relationships, and have joined us this week to talk about their book and beliefs about non-monogamy.
Read MoreSometimes, the amount of clutter in our homes and lives can negatively impact our mental health, our happiness, and our relationships. This week, we explore some reasoning behind why it's so easy to find yourself with too much stuff, and how to take measures to avoid the ramifications of clutter.
Read MoreWhat does it mean to be codependent? Is it always a bad thing? Let's dive into our first episode dedicated solely to codependency, and talk some about what codependency is, as well as why there are so many rampant criticisms about the term and subject itself.
Read MoreThis week we're joined by Marissa Alexa McCool, author, podcaster, actor, grad student, and activist. She's sharing her experience as a transgender woman navigating non-monogamy in a rapidly changing world.
Have you ever made a decision that you regretted, either immediately or later? This week, we're diving into the reasons behind bad decision-making (supported with research, of course!) and talking about ways to be more cognizant about when you might be prone to making bad decisions.